I love stabbing things! No, really! Who could have seen how my life would be changed by winning an online giveaway of a hand painted wool roving years ago?
Certainly, not me.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I have been creative my entire life, playing with nearly every medium you could imagine. But when I opened that package, felt the softness of the fiber, saw the depth of color, and the faint scent of the sheep from whom the fiber had been shorn, well, my imagination was captured. And when I discovered, with the help of a little ‘teach yourself to needle felt’ kit, how much fun it was to create wool felt, I was hooked.
The joy I get from seeing a scarf or bag finding its owner at art shows makes me want to make felt even more. And when I am challenged with a custom order, bringing their vision to fruition, whether it be a needle felted sculpture of their website mascot, or an online comic character taking shape in 3D, or seeing a bride and groom with miniature versions of themselves for their wedding cake topper, the look on their faces is what feeds my inspiration for the next custom order.

STAB THINGS INTO EXISTENCE was born from my love of everything felt as well as the absolute joy that I receive when I am given the privilege of teaching people like you how to felt. In fact, one of the hundreds of students I have taught over the past decade and a half dubbed me the “Felting Facilitator” and I do my best to live up to that title through my regular lives on social media, through my YouTube channel, as well as the workshops, classes and courses I create.
There are only so many live classes I can teach and only so many locations from where I can teach, so I have created video tutorials which you can take on your own schedule in the comfort of your home: FREE video lessons you receive access to via email when you ‘purchase’ them (for the low price of $ 0.00), FELTit kit+class combos, which include a QR code in the kit for you to access the video tutorial, a NEW COURSE called FELTit101 which teaches you the basics of both needle felting and wet felting through two individual projects, and continue to develop more tutorials as long as my inspiration well is full!
I grew up a military brat, moving from post to post until I graduated high school, and when I went to Kansas for college, my dandelion roots took hold, and I raised my sons, and played with my creativity in my spare moments for 40 years. Recently, I moved to Iowa to care for my mom, have moved my studio into the basement of her 100+ year old farmhouse, and work on my felt paintings, new kit ideas, and preparing for my first solo art show in the coming year. I truly love this gift of felting, and I hope you’ll let me share this gift with you!