The Lutheran Fine Arts Council of Topeka is hosting their Fiber Arts workshop once again this year on Saturday, February 22, 2020. I will be presenting a workshop but have not decided if it should be a mini masterpiece needle felt painting or if it should be a create a small creature needle felt project. Which would you like to take? You can find out all the information on their FB page:
And, as I had to reschedule my visit to Hutchinson, KS and the Wool Market & DIY School because of weather, I’ll now be teaching both a Create a Creature needle felt class and a Lattice Scarf wet felting class on Saturday, February 29, 2020.

It was serendipity for me and for Andrea & Steve from the Wool Market choosing Leap Day for the rescheduled visit: they wanted to do something fun for Leap Day, and as many of you know, it also happens to be my wedding anniversary. Let’s hope for the same weather Randy and I had the day we were married in 1992: unseasonably warm with a light breeze! To sign up for the classes, contact Andrea and Steve here:
I hope to see you at one or both of these events!