New Shop has my products!
What’s been happening in Iowa with Stab Things Into Existence? Well, over two dozen new Funky Pumpkins have been birthed, and a dozen of them have made their way to a little artisan shop in Perry, Iowa, the Mary Rose Collective. Lynsi is the operator of this adorable shop, with an eye for curating that can’t be topped! There is a huge wall of cubbies from floor to ceiling (well, nearly), and each little cubby holds amazing artisan treasures: And I love seeing my mini embroidery hoop brooches among the treasures. If you find yourself in the Des Moines, Iowa...

BEEN A HOT MINUTE!! I know, it has!! Emphasis on the HOT part of that, as I am NOT ready for the heat of summer in Iowa. Which is why I have been working as much as possible in the basement studio here in central Iowa! And I am FINALLY getting the mini hoops in action for brooches and am VERY pleased with the results thus far: I also want to apologize to anyone trying to contact me through the annaATstabthingsintoexistenceDOTcom email address. I do not know what happened, or what needed to be updated, but...

End of one year, beginning of another

When your hands are aching because of the embellishments you...
When your hands are aching because of the embellishments you’ve been adding to a felt painting (or two), you take a break from embellishment to work on other aspects of your felting practice. Today, for me, that means reflecting on the revisions of the website to reflect new work, a new course offering, and a new direction forward. As I am now relatively settled here in Iowa, I am contemplating Stab & Sip events at a couple of local venues and need to write up a proposal letter and schedule appointments to discuss the possibilities with the owners of these...

FUNKY PUMPKINS BABY!! Many years ago (seriously, MANY YEARS), I saw a listing for these sock mill rejects, and the colors and textures just SCREAMED at me. I had no real thoughts as to what I would do with them, but that didn’t matter. And when they arrived, BOXES of them, I looked through them with amazement: double heels, no heel, triple heels, they were a hot mess! But the colors and textures were there, I simply needed to wait for inspiration. And wait I did. And I moved them to Seattle and back. And I waited a few more...

Ukraine Fundraiser - Part Duex
My friend, Gail, showed me a knitted and felted basket in the colors of the Ukrainian flag, but found it floppy and was challenged as to how to utilize it. So she offered to send it to me, if I thought I could do something with it to raise funds for the Red Cross efforts in Ukraine. At the time she offered this via a zoom call, I had just posted the Peace Flags for Ukraine that I had felted, also to raise funds for the Red Cross efforts in Ukraine and thought that a 3d item might draw some...