Stab Things Into Existence Blog (Anna's Place of Holding)
- FiberArtsGuild

Heartfelt. Heart felted. Feeling heart. I don’t know about you, but these days, my heart has taken a bashing or two…hundred. The world has become so closed off, so remote, and so distant, that my heart sometimes feels like it shrunk three sizes. (My apologies to Dr. Seuss.) And that’s when I need to remind myself to refocus, redirect, and refill my heart. Often that is possible just by the simple act of needle felting a heart. I always find my spirit begins to brighten up when I’m creating hearts, particularly if I am able to use a riot of...
FELT This! Needle felt a cup sleeve!
Join me for the next FELT This! class on Monday, March 5: Needle felt a cup sleeve for your favorite mug and protect your hands from the heat OR cold from your favorite drink! Kits are available for $15 if you don’t already have fibers, needles and foam base. Templates will be provided as will suggestions for embellishment. Come join the felting fun!
LOTS of classes coming up in March and April-take a look at the descriptions and email me at if you have further questions! I’m looking forward to seeing YOU in class soon!
Until then, FELT This!
Monday, March 5th, 6-8pm
FELT THIS! Needle Felted Coffee Sleeve class maximum # for class=12 Fee: $15 Instructor, Anna Walker aka @FELTit on Twitter
Supplies you need...