BEEN A HOT MINUTE!! I know, it has!! Emphasis on the HOT part of that, as I am NOT ready for the heat of summer in Iowa. Which is why I have been working as much as possible in the basement studio here in central Iowa! And I am FINALLY getting the mini hoops in action for brooches and am VERY pleased with the results thus far: I also want to apologize to anyone trying to contact me through the annaATstabthingsintoexistenceDOTcom email address. I do not know what happened, or what needed to be updated, but...
I went to Felt Camp... Virtually!
I recently completed 10 days of Virtual Felting Camp with some amazing artists from Europe: Corinna Nitschmann, Aniko Boros, Nadia Szabó, Gabriella Kovács, and Bea Németh. The techniques I learned will assist me in ramping up my own felting journey as well as provide me with additional ways to teach YOU felting in the future. We had five projects to complete during our camp: a checked orb, pebble jewelry, an amazingly lightweight nuno scarf dyed with botanical prints (I have yet to do this particular project), a fun puppet with a working jaw, and a felted house tea cozy. Camp ended...