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What is it about Felting?

So you want to take a felting class?
I, for one, highly recommend doing so! But not all classes are the same, and you can often find yourself in over your head and discouraged. And that is the last thing I want to happen! Let me tell you how my classes are different. After all, I’ve been named the Felting Facilitator by students because my goal in class is to make your learning experience relaxed and so much fun, that you become a Fearless Felter. We go over the basics at the beginning of class: the tools you use, the basic process we will follow, your fibers, and...
How to make your own prefelt for Needle Felting or Wet Felting
Learn how to make your own prefelt for your felting projects! Anna Walker, felting facilitator at FELTit Experience and STAB Things into existence gives you a quick tutorial on how to make your prefelt. Not sure how to use a prefelt? Well...
Prefelts are an excellent base for felt paintings, make lovely felt scarves, and can be used to cut out shapes and designs to add to any felting process. You can purchase prefelts from a number of suppliers, but you can also make your own prefelt, using either wet felting or needle felting.