Dissenting - In progress...

When SCOTUS completed their decisions for this term, and announced they would be reviewing another case which would further devastate our ability to ensure our votes matter, our choices matter, I, like many of you, was devastated. I continue to grieve, but having been a widow since October 2016, followed by the election of 2016 which further plunged me into a dark place, loss seemed to be the pattern for a long time. And I learned that I was resilient, learned strength I never knew I had within, learned how to navigate grief and pain and be able to walk into the light again. And I am grateful for those lessons because I need them again, as do we all.
When life hits me, I lean into the feelings, rather like a surfer dives underneath the coming wave to catch it atop on the other side. For me at this moment, it means to use the gifts I have been given to create beauty, to create something which might help.
Dissent collars it is, then.
I brought a mini studio of supplies with me to my mom’s home, and have set up a makeshift studio in the basement (though mom isn’t very pleased with my totes messing up her basement that she doesn’t use), and have been busy with felting up collars, crocheting collar to felt, and making prefelts to create more collars.
I picked up jewelry findings from the local craft store (not my preferred Michaels, but the only one available in small town Iowa), and once I have 20 ready to complete, I’ll add the findings and show you the completed, and ready for sale, #dissentcollars in all colors and textures.
And these collars are going to do more than give me something to work on to make me feel as though I am doing something to negate the horrific happenings in this country. $19.73 of the price of each collar will be donated to local abortion funds directly. I know, why that weird amount for the donation? Because Roe V. Wade was affirmed by the supreme court in 1973. (See more information here)
So my felting and my activism are connected right now, and I hope that you’ve found a way to connect your creativity to your own vision for a better country, a better world. What creative activity helps you to navigate the difficult times of your life? I'd love to hear more! Leave a comment below or drop me an email (click here to send me a message).