What is the FELTit Experience?
Each month, the members of TFE receive access to a new video tutorial on a new felt project or technique: some of them are needle felting, some are wet felting, some are both! You will have access to the new tutorial whenever it is convenient for YOU to log in through Teachable, the online platform where the video tutorial lives-PLUS you can view the entire library of past videos anytime! View and review video tutorials anytime during the course of your membership in TFE.

This is the fiber that started it all...
This is how it all began and I become a felting facilitator!

Heartfelt. Heart felted. Feeling heart. I don’t know about you, but these days, my heart has taken a bashing or two…hundred. The world has become so closed off, so remote, and so distant, that my heart sometimes feels like it shrunk three sizes. (My apologies to Dr. Seuss.) And that’s when I need to remind myself to refocus, redirect, and refill my heart. Often that is possible just by the simple act of needle felting a heart. I always find my spirit begins to brighten up when I’m creating hearts, particularly if I am able to use a riot of...

Cobwebs and felting... wait what?
Are you looking to create a stunning ethereal looking scarf? I love using this technique using Cobweb Felting, it's truly stunning and you'll love the look you're able to create!

Nuno Felting Sample Fun!
I’m exploring Nuno felting with fabrics that would not be traditional choices, just to see what happens. I mean, that is how I discovered that cheesecloth makes an excellent fabric to use for Nuno felting, especially if you like an organic lacy look to the finished project.

What if I'm totally stumped?!
You have a felting kit, all the supplies you need.. now what? Anna Walker Felting Facilitator at the FELTit Experience will walk you through a few steps on what to do now that you have a kit.
Still stumped? Join us in our private free facebook group!
Still stumped? Join us in our private free facebook group!