This is the fiber that started it all...
This is how it all began and I become a felting facilitator!
Cobwebs and felting... wait what?
Are you looking to create a stunning ethereal looking scarf? I love using this technique using Cobweb Felting, it's truly stunning and you'll love the look you're able to create!
Nuno Felting Sample Fun!
I’m exploring Nuno felting with fabrics that would not be traditional choices, just to see what happens. I mean, that is how I discovered that cheesecloth makes an excellent fabric to use for Nuno felting, especially if you like an organic lacy look to the finished project.
What if I'm totally stumped?!
You have a felting kit, all the supplies you need.. now what? Anna Walker Felting Facilitator at the FELTit Experience will walk you through a few steps on what to do now that you have a kit.
Still stumped? Join us in our private free facebook group!
Still stumped? Join us in our private free facebook group!
Is there anything new about felting?
For myself, I will begin to bring the new techniques I learned in the Moy Mackay workshop last month to my inspiration photos of the flint hills and the tallgrass prairie. I’ll also be working up a different way to create wet felted flowers based on an idea I had before going to sleep the other night.
So, you bought a kit...
Here’s the thing-I love creating during normal times, but I NEED to create and I NEED to help others find creating during difficult times because CREATING HELPS BRING JOY. I’ve been led to do FB lives each day, Monday through Friday, with a FREE Art Lesson from Anna for those parents who now have kiddos home instead of at school as many of us are on lockdown, or nearing lockdown during this pandemic. I also believe that I have been led by God to create this free group for you right now, to help support others with creativity to help us keep our focus on the beauty and the possibilities despite our circumstances.