My First 20 days of the Wool & #100DayDressChallenge
I watched as my friend, Susanna, went through the #100daydresschallenge and was a little more than curious. I work with wool, how could I not be curious? She was very enthusiastic in her report of her challenge, accessorized the wool dress from @wool.and in so many creative ways, well, it got me wondering if I could do the challenge. It seemed like it would be an on brand thing for me to do as a fiber artist and felter, right? But I would be spending the summer in Iowa. A wool dress during the summer in Iowa? Am I REALLY...

Dissenting - In progress...

What's with the dresses? Well..

You’ve seen me carding up these mini batts and full size batts over the past couple of months, and now is the time to release them into your felting hands! I've created custom mini batt that weigh under 1.5 ounces and full size batts that weigh between 2 and 3.5 ounces. I have so many fun colors for you to create with! I mean, just look at this beautiful fiber! All batts are a combination of several different wool fibers, silks, firestar and more, and are hand carded by me for use in your wet felting or needle felting projects....

New Product Alert!
NEW PRODUCT ALERT! I’ve just stocked some items that I think might appeal to many of you: three mini felting kits, fiber samples in specific colorways, and Felt Paintings Palettes to get you started felting! I just could not resist these mini felting kits! Tiny project, all the wools you need as well as the needles and I throw in a mini felting foam base-perfect to give needle felting a try! I know what my favorite is, but which do you like best? Each of these mini kits will include all the wool you need to complete...

…life decides to take a detour! For the next couple of months, my mom will be my priority as we’ve found out the time has come to address her failing heart valve-after she had a hard fall which badly bruised her hip. So I’ll be switching things up, sometimes without notice, to take care of mom, get her to appointments, surgery and recovery. I have a wonderful virtual assistant, Bri, who will be helping me even more during the next few months as I bring a mini studio to mom’s home to keep Stab Things Into Existence running. Head...