A new way of connecting - the FELTit Experience
The past 18+ months have been a difficult time for all of us: finding new ways to do the things we need to do, whether that is ordering groceries for pickup or delivery, having virtual meetings, kids ‘going to school’ from the kitchen table with their tablets…the list is endless. And we have done a decent job of pivoting with the punches this pandemic world has thrown us, for the most part. (My 60th Birthday parade/sidewalk line dance in 2020) But the most difficult thing of all is the one which we all continue to struggle with: finding a sense...
I have sweetened the deal for ya!
Want another reason to join The FELTit Experience? Sign up for an annual membership ($247-a savings of $77 over the month-to-month membership) and I’ll send you one of my NEW drawstring bags ($10 normally, but FREE with a $100 purchase)! What a fun way to let people know you LOVE to Stab Things Into Existence-even if you are just beginning your felting journey! Remember, as a member of The FELTit Experience you receive a monthly felting tutorial, access to the entire library of felting tutorials thus far (2 years worth!), entry into the private FB group, and access to me...
Don't just take it from me
Here are a few of the happy faces of my students after they’ve spent a couple of hours with me during a class. Not to brag, but I am good at helping you understand just how this thing called felting works, and I try to never say NO. I am big on my students telling me what they want to accomplish, and I help them work through the steps to do just that! I love meeting with people at live events-but there are only so many events I can do, only so much schlepping of materials I can handle alone...
How I earned my Felting Facilitator Badge
I’ve mentioned my husband, Randy, in previous posts, but you don’t know the whole story yet. You see, it was Randy who was responsible for me venturing into the waters of teaching felting. In 2011 (wow-ten years ago), I had been felting for about 3 years, had learned lots of new skills, and Randy, who had a rather decent sized Twitter following, began to brag on me just a little: he would post pictures of my creations, invite his followers to check out my work if they were going to be in the vicinity of a craft/fiber show in which...
Why do I create?
Let’s see…I create because I believe we are all created to create; I found felting when I won an online giveaway; What happened next? I was ravenous to learn everything I could possibly learn about felting, so I began to look for books, classes, schools-ANYTHING that could help me find out about everything felting. YouTube wasn’t as big a deal as it is today, so there weren’t any video tutorials (though I DO have a YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdqrv0q5Bman-JxGNrl81Q ), but I did use the Internet to find a few books AND a thing called Felt School: https://harveyvilleproject.com/?page_id=41 . And...
So, What was next?
Hi again! I am betting that you want to know what’s next, right? You know that I, too, was creatively challenged by all of the ‘NO’s I encountered from that 9th grade art teacher until just a few years ago. I tried just about everything you can imagine to find MY creativity: sewing, cross stitching, crocheting, beading, embroidery, scrapbooking, stamping, wirework…the list goes on and on. I’ll bet it does for you, too. But then something happened which made EVERYTHING make sense: I won an online giveaway of a 4 oz. handpainted wool roving. I KNOW, RIGHT?!?!? What the heck...