A new way of connecting - the FELTit Experience

The past 18+ months have been a difficult time for all of us: finding new ways to do the things we need to do, whether that is ordering groceries for pickup or delivery, having virtual meetings, kids ‘going to school’ from the kitchen table with their tablets…the list is endless. And we have done a decent job of pivoting with the punches this pandemic world has thrown us, for the most part.

(My 60th Birthday parade/sidewalk line dance in 2020)
But the most difficult thing of all is the one which we all continue to struggle with: finding a sense of community while being safe with our health and the health of others.
And while things are beginning to open up for many of us, I continue to look for options to remain safe for myself and my family, until we are truly through this pandemic. And I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all. Here’s why:
We have discovered that we can do hard things.
We have discovered new ways to do the things we need to do, like grocery shopping.
We have discovered technologies which have helped us connect with our friends and family, be it zoom or facetime or watch nights via our favorite streaming system.
The FELTit Experience may have begun in October of 2019, before the world knew what was in store for us all in the next two years, but it has survived and thrived because we embraced a new way to connect with each other, found a different was to ‘take a felting class’, and discovered how to be in community in a whole new way.
I would love for you to join us-now that we KNOW we can do this, the options are ENDLESS for exploring felting and community together. The membership is only open for another 4 days, and you don’t want to wait until next year to find out what you’ve been missing. Head over to www.stabthingsintoexistence.com and get started! Felting fun and fiber buddies await!