What if I have no idea what I want to create with felting?

“But Anna,” you’re thinking, “what if I have no idea what I want to create with felting?”
Never fear-the library of video tutorials has LOADS of ideas to get you started! From turning your child’s artwork into a felt sculpture (like above) to wet felting a beret (for yourself or your favorite person), from a vase/bowl to pumpkins…if you can think it, chances are that you can create it in felt. And you’ll have access from the day you begin your membership to the entire video library of the past two years!
PLUS-you will have the ability to put forth suggestions in our exclusive community for the techniques and/or projects you would love to see in coming video tutorials!
AND-when you get on zoom with other members and myself, you’ll get to ask questions, get encouragement, bounce off ideas-we have formed a wonderful collaborative atmosphere and can’t wait to hear what you have to add!
Head over to www.stabthingsintoexistence.com NOW! (The clock is ticking!)