I have sweetened the deal for ya!

Want another reason to join The FELTit Experience?
What a fun way to let people know you LOVE to Stab Things Into Existence-even if you are just beginning your felting journey!
Remember, as a member of The FELTit Experience you receive a monthly felting tutorial, access to the entire library of felting tutorials thus far (2 years worth!), entry into the private FB group, and access to me via regular zoom calls! PLUS-a couple of times a year, you’;ll get some happy mail from me related to a video tutorial, a project I’m encouraging you to try, or a sample of a new favorite supply or tool I’ve found!
Hurry though, because it’s only a few more days until the portal closes again, and the membership won’t be open until April 2022. Come join me and the other members on this stabby felty journey-there’s plenty of room for you!!