Don't just take it from me

Here are a few of the happy faces of my students after they’ve spent a couple of hours with me during a class. Not to brag, but I am good at helping you understand just how this thing called felting works, and I try to never say NO. I am big on my students telling me what they want to accomplish, and I help them work through the steps to do just that!
I love meeting with people at live events-but there are only so many events I can do, only so much schlepping of materials I can handle alone as a one woman show. So I began to look at alternative ways I could teach!
I took a number of classes, learned how to go live and how to record videos, joined groups that helped me clarify my purpose and customize my membership until in the fall of 2019 I launched The FELTit Experience: an exclusive group where I am able to mentor you on your own felting journey through monthly video tutorials, a private group where you can converse with me and other members of the experience, and through regular zoom calls where we can talk face-to-face, have a little show-n-tell, offer one another encouragement and suggestions-a community. A couple of times a year, you’ll receive something extra from my studio: fibers, kits, fabrics to play with in your felting, could be just about anything!
I am thrilled to be at the start of the third year of The FELTit Experience and am excited to include new members to the current roster. You can begin your journey with us by signing up today right here: <<link for signup page>>
The best choice is the annual membership for $247-a savings of $77 over the month-to-month membership of $27 per month. As a member you receive access to the library of tutorials immediately, so you don’t have to wait until your first monthly video tutorial to get started!
Don’t wait too long to join-the cart closes until 2022 at the stroke of midnight on October 31st!
See you tomorrow!