How I earned my Felting Facilitator Badge

I’ve mentioned my husband, Randy, in previous posts, but you don’t know the whole story yet. You see, it was Randy who was responsible for me venturing into the waters of teaching felting.
In 2011 (wow-ten years ago), I had been felting for about 3 years, had learned lots of new skills, and Randy, who had a rather decent sized Twitter following, began to brag on me just a little: he would post pictures of my creations, invite his followers to check out my work if they were going to be in the vicinity of a craft/fiber show in which I was participating, etc.
He was very excited to be attending GenCon again, and this time, I was coming along with him to the Best Four Days of Gaming in Indianapolis. (Randy was a 30 year veteran of Dungeons and Dragon role playing game, and enjoyed lots of other RPG’s, board games, etc. (In fact, we had a Game Night crew of two other couples who would get together frequently for food, fun and lots and lots of laughter!)
So Randy was tweeting, and his tweets about my felting and the two of us going to GenCon caught the attention of one of the organizers: Marian, who organized the ‘spousal events’-non gaming events that would appeal to spouses attending with their gamers. She reached out to me and suggested I might want to teach needle felting classes at the convention as they had been popular in the past, and, oh, BTW, I could get paid for them! My Felting Facilitator badge was earned when I leveled up to teaching at GenCon, then at so many more events! Tomorrow I’ll tell you about my students at some of these classes! Stay tuned!