Why do I create?

Let’s see…I create because I believe we are all created to create; I found felting when I won an online giveaway; What happened next?
I was ravenous to learn everything I could possibly learn about felting, so I began to look for books, classes, schools-ANYTHING that could help me find out about everything felting. YouTube wasn’t as big a deal as it is today, so there weren’t any video tutorials (though I
DO have a YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdqrv0q5Bman-JxGNrl81Q ), but I did use the Internet to find a few books AND a thing called Felt School: https://harveyvilleproject.com/?page_id=41 . And it is located less than an hour away from my home! And it was happening in just a few weeks-AND THEY HAD AN OPENING!!

ALL of this seemed to be a confirmation that I was, indeed, following the call to create with felting, and I was able to get a view of EVERYTHING FELT: nuno felting, shibori felting, felting with a resist, needle felting, dyeing felt and fiber…it was a magical weekend of discovery. And if I thought I was hooked previously, this experience cemented that feeling, and I had new skills to practice with in creating felt.
(https://www.pinterest.com/pin/262827328243196258/ The hat I created in that very first Felt School!!)
The next few years had me felting scarves, wraps, felt paintings, jewelry and more! And then it just got even better! Be sure to check out the next installment tomorrow!