New Product Alert!

I’ve just stocked some items that I think might appeal to many of you: three mini felting kits, fiber samples in specific colorways, and Felt Paintings Palettes to get you started felting!
I just could not resist these mini felting kits! Tiny project, all the wools you need as well as the needles and I throw in a mini felting foam base-perfect to give needle felting a try! I know what my favorite is, but which do you like best?
Each of these mini kits will include all the wool you need to complete the project, an instruction sheet with pictures of each step, needles and a felting foam-all for only $20!
The fiber bundles are selections of a particular colorway, and each bundle weighs in at 60 grams, just over 2 ounces! And if you are wanting a quick and easy way to expand your color selection for felting, for $15, these bundles of wool are just perfect whether you’re needle felting or wet felting!
Which color bundle is your favorite?
Fiber Painting Palettes make creating your first (or second, or twentieth…) felt painting so easy! With 100 grams (over 3.5 ounces), these contain a curated palette of fibers for assorted themes: Brights, Meadow, Ocean, Pastels, Spring, Summer, and Woodland! You only need either a piece of prefelt (for wet felting base) or a piece of felted wool (for needle felted base) and a simple outline of your design! And I include a piece of each of those bases, as well as felting foam and felting needles-all for only $30!

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