…life decides to take a detour!
For the next couple of months, my mom will be my priority as we’ve found out the time has come to address her failing heart valve-after she had a hard fall which badly bruised her hip. So I’ll be switching things up, sometimes without notice, to take care of mom, get her to appointments, surgery and recovery. I have a wonderful virtual assistant, Bri, who will be helping me even more during the next few months as I bring a mini studio to mom’s home to keep Stab Things Into Existence running. Head over to my Facebook or Instagram to let me know which past projects & videos you would like to see on those days I cannot be live. Now would be a really good time to sign up for email alerts because there are NEW PRODUCTS coming to the shop later this month!!
Thank you for your support-please continue to reach out, and I’ll do my best to reply in a timely manner.