All the details you need to know for Black Friday!

I promised some really fun specials for the Thanksgiving weekend, and I’m here to deliver the information so that you can make plans to take advantage of them!
On Black Friday, I’ll be offering the opportunity for you to join (or to purchase a membership as a gift of experience for someone) The FELTit Experience membership one last time this year, at the lowest prices ever! Not only will prices go up when I open the membership again next April, you’ll have some options for how long of a membership you want to gift!
Small Business Saturday has been close to my heart for years, and I make it a point of shopping with my fellow artisan small businesses, and I hope that you’ll consider doing the same! I’m offering 25% off ALL KITS purchased on Saturday, from the Deluxe Felting Kit to the Bits & Stuff Fiber additions!
On Sunday, well, let’s talk about Cyber Monday first: FREE US SHIPPING on any purchases from the website.
Now for Sunday.
I will be going LIVE on Facebook and Instagram (Anna Walker Designs on FB; @feltit on IG) from 2-4pm on Sunday. Not only will you get a peek into the studio, see a demo, but if you are watching the LIVE you’ll have first access to products that haven’t yet been listed on the website, and won’t be listed until after the weekend! If that’s not enough, I will have a handful of giveaways during the LIVE event, for which you will need to be present in the comments in order to win! You want more? How about this-and it is PERFECT for gift giving: I will announce the dates for the January classes during the LIVE and when you secure your spot, you will be eligible for 50% off the class kit for said class!
I truly thank you for following me and for supporting my little business. I look forward to continuing to serve as your Felting Facilitator in the coming years. Come join me on Thanksgiving weekend for lots of fibery felting fun!!