Tap into your Inner Felter!

Hi everyone! I wanted to let you know of the local to me in-person classes you can take later in the month:
I’ll be teaching two classes, back to back, at Leaping Llamas Artisan Shop located at 725 S Kansas Avenue, here in Topeka. A couple of my crowd favorites, Felted Creature in the morning followed by Mini Felted Masterpiece in the afternoon, both are needle felting classes.
Both classes include all supplies needed and access to a fiber bar of accent colors and textures to make your project unique! Beginner friendly, the only thing students need to bring is a picture reference: for the creature class, it could be a pic of your favorite animal, a cartoon character, or a drawing from your child; for the mini masterpiece class, it could be a snapshot from your vacation, an inspiring place you’ve always wanted to see, or your interpretation of one of the masters-Van Gogh is a fan favorite!
Head to Leaping Llamas here to register for classes:
Hope to help you see your inner felter on March 21st!