OMGEE, am I going to be busy in the next couple of months! Not only am I preparing for finger surgery in a few weeks, getting the studio ready, etc., but I also have my first in-person event scheduled since January of 2020!!!
That’s right! You can come spend the day with me at The Wool Market & DIY School (https://thewoolmarket.net/) in Hutchinson on Saturday, August 7th! Here are all the details:
WET FELTED LANDSCAPE CLASS (check their website for class cost)
What can you create with a piece of prefelt and a little wool in assorted colors and textures?
Come take this class with Anna Walker, the feltist behind www.stabthingsintoexistence.com, and discover a landscape painting!
Come take this class with Anna Walker, the feltist behind www.stabthingsintoexistence.com, and discover a landscape painting!

You can bring your own supplies to this class or purchase a supply kit from Anna the day of class for $30. The supplies you need for this class are as follows:
**20" by 20" square of prefelt
**2-4 ounces of assorted wools in a variety of textures and colors
**Bits of leftover yarns (wool or other feltable fibers), dyed prefelt scraps, etc.
**4' by 4' square of bubble wrap
pool noodle (half of one should work perfectly-there will be a handful of pool noodles available that you can use for class )
**soap (some jugs of soap solution will be available for use for class)
towels-bring several old towels to help during the wet felting and to wrap your painting to take home)
Palm Washboard (tm), silicone/plastic soap saver, felting stone, or any type of corrugated surface to help agitate the fibers (Anna will bring some of her tools for use during class)
**included in the class supply kit for $30
Come join us for a day with Anna at The Wool Market & DIY School for this class. She will be available all day if you have a felting questions or want some guidance for a felting project-consider her your In House Felting Expert for August 7th!
I hope to see you very soon!!!