FREE Felted Soap Class - Instant Access

Stab things into existence

$0.00 Regular price $17.00

Beginning with needle felting base wool and a design around a bar of soap, we will then gently wet felt the fibers to fully encase the soap to give us a built in exfoliating surface! Felting soap also allows the soap to last longer, and provides a surface which will dry between uses without having a mushy side of the soap. (Approximate time: 1 hour)

You will receive an email with the a download that has the link to the felted soap class.

Supplies needed: 

*Bar of your favorite soap
1-2 ounces of wool (I prefer a wool batt of a coarser wool, but you can use fine wool if that's what you have)
bits and scraps of dyed wool or wool yarns for decorating (no more than a quarter of an ounce)
Felting needles in a size 38 (preferred)
foam felting base
*old nylon stocking
*ridged shelf liner mat or washboard or plastic shopping bag