I am often asked where to find fibers with which to felt, and the answer is simple-EVERYWHERE!
First and foremost-look local. Your community extension office or 4H club may have listings for fiber producers in your area, you may find fiber producers at your local farmers market or fiber festivals, and your community, or one nearby, may have a fiber guild. All of these are excellent resources to provide you with local fiber.
Second-look to etsy.com or artfire.com for independent fiber producers. Some of my favorite sellers are the following:
Treasure Goddess is a dear friend, and while her main focus is hand dyed yarns, she does dye fibers as well:
Robbin Firth of HeartFelt Silks is another friend, and her prefelts, her dyed locks and silk fibers are luscious! She and her husband, Harry, invented the Palm Washboard, and wonderful wet felting tool which I love to use:
A quick (or not so quick if you fall down the rabbit hole) search of either etsy or artfire for hand dyed felting fiber will provide you with hours and hours of searching fun!
Second, part two-felting supply shops:
Living Felt: https://feltingsupplies.livingfelt.com/Felting-Wool-Fiber_c_1.html
The Woolery: https://woolery.com/fiber/protein.html
R H LINDSAY: https://rhlindsaywool.com/
There are many others out there-do a search and you’ll find lots of shops from which to choose.
Finally, there is always amazon.com, and what follows are some of the fiber I’ve purchased:
Needle Felting wool assortment
Undyed wool roving
Dyed wool roving assortments
Carded wool batts-assortments
Make certain that you purchase NON SUPERWASH animal fibers for wet felting. You can use superwash fibers and other non protein fibers (bamboo, silk, milk, etc.) for needle felting, but be sure that you don’t get the fibers mixed up or you may find a sodden mess of non felting fibers if you try to wet felt.
Above all, have fun felting!
*Links in this post may contain affiliate links. I only share things I love with you, but I do receive a small commision if your purchase through my links!