How did it get to be February already? The first month of the year is done, and I need to get going or I’ll miss this second month as well, especially since it is the shortest month of the year.
Classes are scheduled for the end of the month and you should have received an email with links to signup! I had a request for a Dryer Balls class, and since I consider it one of the ‘basics’ classes, I decided to add another basic this month, with a Simple Vessel class.
Both classes are suitable for beginners and feature different basics techniques:
Dryer Balls begin as needle felted, then proceed to wet felting in a nylon stocking to the washing machine, then the clothes dryer to finish up the felting.
Simple Vessels use a resist, or a piece of bubble wrap or foam sheeting to create the template around which you layout your wool. Then, during the wet felting process, the wool felts (shrinks) around the template, and you cut your hole where you want the opening for your vessel, remove the template, and continue with the fulling portion of the felting process.
For March, my plan is to have a full 4 classes each month, but with a twist: instead of scheduling classes for times and days which may, or may not, work with your schedule, I’m planning to offer classes that you can take on YOUR schedule! How will that work? I’ll film the class and offer it to you as a stand alone on the website, and you will be able to connect with me either via email or through my So You Bought A Felting Kit page, which will be renamed the Class Page. Each class will have it’s own thread, so you can ask questions, post pictures of your progress, interact with others who have also taken the class!
I am very excited for this new format for classes going forward, and hope that it will make taking classes much easier for all of you!
What do you think about my plans for classes?