Wordless Wednesday
31 Days of Creativity-Tuesday Tips and Tricks
I apologize for the late evening posting-my son & daughter-in-law had an emergency need for Granna to sit with young master Ezra for a spell. All is well, and I got to see my grandson-good news all around.
So, Tuesdays will be Tips and Tricks day, and today’s tip is to seek out opportunities to learn more about your craft! I was fortunate to discover the Harveyville Project and FELT SCHOOL about 4...
31 days of CREATIVITY
Thank you, the Nester http://www.thenester.com/ , for your inspiration to blog for the month of October. I think this will be a challenge akin to NanoWriMo http://www.nanowrimo.org/ in that it will DEMAND I be intentional about blogging-a good thing!
So-what to expect here on annasplaceofholding? October has been designated as production month given that my holiday show season begins the first...
Working on a New Sculpture!
Our local Potwin Fiber Artisans will be holding the TWISTED! Fiber Festival the first weekend in November, and I am working on a sculpture to represent what we all do with the fiber arts, and thought that the eclectic collection of crocheters, knitters, embroidery experts, spinners, felters, etc. would be best seen as a vortex of fibers!
Yep, I’ve been trimming newly felted wool pieces...
FELT This! Needle felt a Bag-on-a-Block class…interested?
FELT This! Needle Felted Bag-on-a-Block Class (2 sessions)
Another creature from GenCon!