By AnnaWalker-Stab-Things-Into-Existence on 2016-01-31

My next felting class will be on Thursday, February 18, 2016:
Create a Creature: As you can see from the happy students above, Create a Creature needle felting class is fun and all up to you and your imagination! Create a small creature of your choosing-bring a picture for inspiration, or just your mind and I will help you put your creature together shape by shape! The class will be held at 712 Innovations, Topeka’s maker space located at 712 S. Kansas Avenue. Go here to purchase your ticket and reserve your space at class:
6-8pm, $25 per person, all supplies included
I have discovered that wet felting classes don’t do very well during the winter in Kansas-Who Knew?? So the class scheduled for next Saturday, which was the follow up class to January’s wet felt with a resist class, will be rescheduled for later in spring. Which means, the next wet felting class will be held on March 5, 2016 from 9am to Noon at the Potwin Presbyterian Church located at 400 SW Washburn.

Students from last year’s Wet Felt Painting, or Painting with Wool, class produced some amazing paintings, and I’m looking forward to seeing what YOU create!
Wet Felt Painting: Learn to create a beautiful painting from wool prefelt and other fibers.Saturday, March 5, 9am-Noon, at Potwin Presbyterian Church, Memorial Hall, $45 per student ($25 materials fee included). If students wish to bring their own materials, please consult with instructor for materials list. CLASS MINIMUM 6, MAXIMUM 12
To pay your class fee and reserve your spot in this class, email your PayPal address to me at
So, let’s kick off your creativity with a felting class!