All the details you need to know for Black Friday!
LET’S GET EXCITED FOR BLACK FRIDAY THROUGH CYBER MONDAY! I promised some really fun specials for the Thanksgiving weekend, and I’m here to deliver the information so that you can make plans to take advantage of them! On Black Friday, I’ll be offering the opportunity for you to join (or to purchase a membership as a gift of experience for someone) The FELTit Experience membership one last time this year, at the lowest prices ever! Not only will prices go up when I open the membership again next April, you’ll have some options for how long of a membership you...
It's NOVEMBER? What??
Fiber Batt, Fiber Batt... what will you become?
Want to play with your own Fiber Batt? Join The FELTit Experience with a new annual membership ($197 for a FULL year-that’s less than $17 a month), and you’ll receive a custom fiber batt from me as a bonus! Don’t wait to join The FELTit Experience this is the last time for introductory prices. Membership prices will increase in 2021. Don't miss when the we open the cart to join the FELTit Experience, click here to get notified.
10 reasons YOU will want to learn how to felt with me!
What IS the FELTit Experience?
Before I answer this, answer these questions for me: Have you ever been told you are NOT creative? Do you want to learn more about felting? Have you ever HEARD about felting? Do you need something that can help you process frustration, or give you a chance to be creative? May I suggest that The FELTit Experience (TFE) may just be what you have been looking for? In this group, made up of felters from all walks of life and all experience levels, you will find a community that wants to discover something new, wants to expand their skills, and...